Fluorite has the meaning of direction, confidence, and self-love. Fluorite's spiritual energy comes in the form of its detoxification abilities and tendency to transform negative energy into positive energy, boosting our mental clarity and promoting peace of mind. Its name comes from the Latin word “fluere” which means “melting”, “which melts” or “which flows”.
As such, when viewed in sunlight, fluorite’s colors blend and shift just as it moves stagnant energy and promotes a more energetic Qi flow. Its powerful cleansing energy clears out old thoughts and patterns so that clarity, peace, and healthy change can occur—one that is all about establishing balance, joy, and harmony. Fluorite's spiritual healing comes in the form of creating calmness and wisdom.
- Bodily Effect: As a source for detoxification, Fluorite brings clarity for the mind and clean health to the body—flushing out toxic thoughts, patterns, and behaviors. Furthermore, its antiviral properties can prevent infection from taking hold and can heal joints and tissues.
- Emotional Effect: Fluorite puts in tune with our emotions and allows us to find our flow with clarity, decisiveness and wisdom. It provides us with a feeling of balance and grounded in our choices even when they're out of our comfort zone.
- Spiritual Effect: Fluorite eliminates ruminating negative energy and allows your spirit to cleanse your soul—always ready to align and rebalance those chakras.
"We love the fluorite's spiritual detoxification abilities and transformative negative energy into positive energy."
—Dr. Krystal Couture, Homeopath + Plant Whisperer @StenellaFarms