Rosemary is a plant of the mint family (Lamiaceae) and is a woody plant with fragrant, evergreen, needle-like leaves and white, pink, purple, or blue flowers, Native to the Mediterranean region, the name “rosemary” is derived from the Latin name ros marinus, which literally means “dew of the sea.” Usage of rosemary dates back to 500 B.C. when it was used as a culinary and medicinal herb by the ancient Greeks and Romans. Rosemary usually grows to about 3.3 feet in height, though some plants can reach up to 6 feet tall.
Historically, rosemary was believed boost memory and in literature and folklore it is regarded as an emblem of remembrance and fidelity. Rosemary is slightly stimulating and in traditional medicine it was a popular aromatic constituent of tonics and liniments.
- Bodily Effect: Rosemary increases blood circulation, relieves aches and pains and boosts the immune system. Laboratory studies have shown rosemary to be rich in antioxidants, which play an important role in neutralizing harmful particles called free radicals..
- Emotional Effect: Rosemary improves mood, learning, memory, pain, anxiety, and sleep.
- Spiritual Effect: Rosemary's spiritual properties are to stimulate love, provide protection, and as an aphrodisiac. In ancient times, it was favored for purification and cleansing rituals.
"Long associated with magic, it’s especially healing for the third eye chakra, helping to promote spiritual clarity."
—Dr. Krystal Couture, Homeopath + Plant Whisperer @drkrystalcouture